A Place to Rest

Having a bodywork table in my counselling & Expressive Arts Therapy space makes a beautiful resting place for my clients to be heard while they tend gently to their inner world and feel the feels. It also works well as an art table.

Sometimes, in these sessions, I’ll invite a personal awareness practice of working clay through the intelligence of the hands, responding to a writing prompt, watching paint land on the canvas or moving the body in response to emotions. It all depends on how the client is feeling and what expression they are naturally called to lean towards.

Sometimes it’s just about lying down to be with fatigue, grief and the overwhelm that can come with being alive, especially these days.

Unprocessed emotion waits quietly, sometimes for decades, whispering to us of what has not been fully felt through.

Triggers can light them up like volcanoes before they settle back into their dormancy.

Sometimes it’s helpful to lie on a warm bed in a soothing space with grounded, somatic, compassionate invitations to let out the tears that were dampening the fire of the heart for so many moons.

There’s so much intensity these days. May you be gentle with yourself today and perhaps choose something simple & nourishing you can do for yourself.

Emotions are carried, processed, digested and released through the body. How do you feel called to offer presence to the miraculous body that has gotten you all the way through your life right to this exact very moment?

About the author 


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